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Excellence in Airport Marketing, Communications and Customer Experience

ACI-NA’s 2024 Excellence in Airport Marketing, Communications and Customer Experience Awards offers the opportunity to showcase your airport staff’s skills and talents in the areas of marketing, customer experience and public relations. The winners will be announced at ACI-NA's Marketing and Communications Conference on October 29 in San Francisco, CA. 


The contest is open to all ACI-NA airport members, and we encourage airports of all passenger sizes to participate. Entries must have been implemented between September 1, 2023 and August 30, 2024. Award-winning submissions entered last year that had been part of an ongoing program or campaign may not be submitted.  Each individual airport can submit only one entry per category— no exceptions.


To enter, you must have an ACI-NA member login. Your member login is also what is used to update your membership profile, access Centerlines Connect (ACI-NA's online discussion forum) and register online for ACI-NA events/webinars. If you do not have a login, you may create an account.

If you need assistance logging in, please email memberservices@airportscouncil.org.

Submissions must be received by 5 PM Eastern Time on Wednesday, September 4, 2024. By submitting materials to the contest, the airport agrees that all entries become ACI-NA property for display purposes.


The ACI-NA Excellence in Airport Marketing, Communications, and Customer Experience Awards are comprised of 20 tactical award categories, encompassing three strategic disciplines of the profession. Awards are presented for best practices in marketing, communications, public relations, and customer experience. 

Click here to view the categories and explanations >>


After you login, choose the category you wish to enter from the drop-down menu.

Enter the entry statement in the allotted space.

Upload JPEG or PNG images, links, PDF documents, Word documents, audio files and/or video files of your submissions. Audio files are preferred to be in MP3 format.

For video files, while you can provide a YouTube or similar web link, to facilitate the inclusion of your entry in the 2024 Award Winners slideshow, we need to have a digital file in one of the following formats compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint: .asf, .wmv, .avi, QuickTime movie file, MP4 video, MPEG, and Adobe Flash.

Any questions regarding format can be directed to Molly Babitz.

Once completed, the system will prompt you to exit and pay, or you can submit another entry for a different category.


The fee for each entry is $100.00. All entries must be paid in full by Wednesday, September 4, 2024, in order to participate.

Once payment is received, you will receive a receipt for your records, and entries you have submitted will be marked as paid in the online system.


Submit easy-to-read entry statements. The word length for each of the five judging criteria is 250 words, and the statements can be written in narrative or bullet format. Each contest entry must include the five aforementioned areas in order. Points will be deducted for incomplete entry statements.

  • Project Description (10 points)
    Include a brief summary that describes your entry and its intended audience. Please make this summary as detailed as possible.
  • Goals (10 points)
    Summarize the goals of your entry, including why you created the product; what you planned to accomplish; and how you expected those goals to be met.  Be sure to discuss how your goals impacted all airport audiences including media, passengers, carriers, concessionaires, and the broader community.
  • Production (10 points)
    Indicate within the statement whether or not the entry included outside assistance to produce. Mention if an advertising agency, public relations agency, or graphic design firm was used and what aspects of the project they were involved in.
  • Evaluation (10 points)
    Use this section to explain the end result of the project. You must quantify your results with statistics and other key performance indicators.  Be specific about results as they relate to the goals of the project.  If relevant, describe how the initiative improved the user’s experience at the airport, including the experiences of passengers, carriers, concessionaires, and service providers.
  • Budget (10 points)
    Include the specific dollar amount spent and the quantity produced (price per item is helpful). Indicate if the item was produced in-house, by an agency, or both. If the item was produced in-house, costs (staff time, resources, etc.) must be stated. If an item was used as an advertisement, indicate how much the advertisement placement cost.


ACI-NA draws experts from the aviation industry, public relations, marketing, advertising, journalism, design, and special events fields for the panel of judges.

Judges are given submissions as-is and the identical category criteria that airport participants are given to score each entry. Each entry is scored on a 50-point scale, which breaks down to 10 possible points for each of the five components of the entry statement.

In the event of a tie, meaning that multiple airports are given a perfect score (50 out of 50 points) in a given category, judges are then asked to rank each tie on a separate worksheet.

For questions about the 2024 ACI-NA Marketing, Communications and Customer Experience Contest, please contact Molly Babitz.

Click Here to Submit Your MarComCX Award Entries >>