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2025 Finance Professional of the Year Awards

ACI-NA's 11th Finance Professional of the Year Award is an opportunity to recognize finance and accounting professionals in airports.  Nominations can be for any finance professional who holds a current financial leadership position at an ACI-NA member airport.

Any ACI-NA member (airport or associate) is encouraged to complete the online Finance Professional Award Nomination Form no later than Friday, March 28, 2025.  Please note that each individual member can nominate a maximum of one nominee per each airport category. To access the nomination form, you may use your ACI-NA member login. Note: The same login is used to access member-only content on airportscouncil.org and to register for ACI-NA conferences and webinars. If you do not currently have an ACI-NA member login, you may create a new account. If you need assistance logging in, please contact memberservices@airportscouncil.org


March 28, 2025 – Deadline for Nomination
May 2, 2025  – Deadline for Nominees to submit required documents
May 5 - May 14, 2025 – Judging
June 25, 2025 – Awards Announcement

The awards will be announced during the awards gala dinner at the 2025 ACI-NA Business of Airports Conference in Arlington, TX. We hope you will join us in saluting the many airports and organizations that have taken the initiative to grow and enhance our industry.


  • Nominees for the Finance Professional Award must hold a current financial leadership position at an ACI-NA member airport.
  • The minimum period of service for the Finance Professional in their current role will be two years.
  • All nominations must be validated and endorsed by the nominee airport’s Chief Executive Officer (or a person holding an equivalent position).
  • The nominee’s airport must have participated in the most recent ACI-NA Financial Benchmarking Survey.
  • There is a 5-year grace period before another Finance Professional from the airport of a previous award recipient can be considered for the award.


One award recipient will be selected from each of the following categories:

  • Large Airport (minimum of 10 million annual enplanements for CY2023)
  • Medium Airport (minimum of 2.31 million and less than 10 million annual enplanements for CY2023)
  • Small Airport (less than 2.31 million annual enplanements for CY2023)


A panel of independent judges, selected by ACI-NA, will determine the award recipients based on outstanding performance for their respective airport. Scoring sheets that assign weights to each criterion will be provided to the judges who will independently assess and score each nominee. The criteria will include:

  • Financial management: demonstrated contribution to the airport's financial performance, growth and/or profitability, best practices, complexity of transactions, etc., with quantitative examples encouraged.
  • Airport leadership: demonstrated team leadership and superior airport management for the areas for which the financial professional has responsibility.
  • Contributions of the finance professional to the airport, community and industry (nonprofit work, community involvement, industry association work, etc.) will also be considered.
  • Judges discretion: an opportunity for judges to award points to any nominees that they believe deserve recognition for going "above and beyond."
  • The selection committee reserves the right to not make an award within one or more of the categories and to select one or two eligible candidates per category depending on the applications and circumstances.

Click here for FAQs >>

Click here for past winners >>

Submit nomination >>


The information submitted as part of the award process will be kept confidential. Nominee information will only be used for determination of the award. If a nominee is selected for an award, we may request permission to release certain information provided when making the award announcement.

By submitting a nomination, you are consenting to have the aforementioned nominee considered for the ACI-NA Finance Professional of the Year Award.

For further information, please contact lgu@airportscouncil.org or call 202-861-8084.